About Me

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Everything you've heard is true. I write books and other things for children and adults.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Armoire Pirate Update

I have pulled The Armoire Pirate down from Smashwords and Amazon temporarily to revise the manuscript (and also to prepare for launching the next three books in the series).
I have tried to take down all the links for it, but if you accidentally found your way there and it didn't work, and then you found your way here, I apologize.

So, so sorry...


Monday, January 19, 2015

The Armoire Pirate - ebook on Smashwords and Amazon

Oh, Hi

Also, I forgot to mention that The Armoire Pirate - the first in a series of middle-grade chapter books - is available as an ebook at Smashwords-dot-com and Amazon



"The Eye Fish" Published by Diagram

Hi There!
"The Eye Fish" has been published by Diagram.
Click on the link to the right to check it out!
